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The Prodigal Daughter (1975)
Alastair Sim as Father Perfect in The Prodigal DaughterAlastair was 75 when he starred in this play for television, sharing top billing with Jeremy Brett. It's the story of three Catholic priests and what happens when a distressed young woman is hired as housekeeper. Alastair is the older parish priest, a man who cooks badly yet is wise in the ways of the world. Brett is a younger priest who begins to question his faith; this questioning is compounded by the arrival of Christine.. While Brett wrestles with his nature and his conscience, Alastair, as Father Perfect, provides the foundation for Brett's decision, and does so without prejudice. Both Alastair and Jeremy Brett give outstanding performances as indeed do the entire cast. Full synopsis

Father Perfect : It was the mystery. Father wears his long woolly pants they thought and he likes his drop of tipple but all the same, he's not like other men; he can do the magical act. We were as it were poised between the human and the Divine; oh and it fascinated, you could see the fascination in their eyes. But not today oh Lord, not today.

Alastair Sim close up in The Prodigal Daughter


cast list production credits

Father Perfect

Alastair Sim


Alastair Reid
Father Daley Jeremy Brett

Production Company

Anglia Television
Father Vernon Charles Kay Producer John Jacobs
Christine Smith Carolyn Seymour Script Editor John Rosenburg
Patrick O'Donnell Karl Howman Original Play David Turner
Mary Fallon Tiffany Kinney Dir Photography  

Alastair Sim credit for The Prodigal Daughter


35mm, Colour, 60 mins

Interesting facts

The original ITV transmission of this television play was on 5th January 1975 by Anglia Television Limited.

This play is included on the Special Edition of "Cottage to Let" DVD by Network.